Archive for the ‘Just observations’ Category

Watching, learning & subconsciously imitating

Posted by  GeoffBrown —September 16, 2011
Filed in Being Present, Just observations, Leadership

I spent some precious time with my dad yesterday, he is very unwell and we shared some memories and stories. We looked through photos of my 3 boys and reflected on family holidays when I was a boy. Afterwards, I reflected on some of dad’s words and counsel. In his own way, he reminded me that my own boys are always watching me. Learning from me. Imitating my own behaviour and reactions to events – the good, bad and the ugly. We all have a blind spot when it comes to the influence that our actions, no matter how small, …

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Yes! Its a tangled mess

Posted by  GeoffBrown —June 27, 2011
Filed in Just observations, Vizual Thinking

Big HT to Andrew Rixon for noticing this Leunig Cartoon in the weekend Age … Andrew suggested that Leunig really understands complexity theory – I agree! This metaphoric-tangle that Leunig uses is so true of life and most of what we do. So why are we still trying to control and manage this tangled web with rules? Luenig knows that there are no ‘rules’ for getting through this mess. Instead, he has captured some ‘principles’ in this cartoon … principles that might just help change our mindset. There are probably some other principles too but there is no rule book …

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Noticing Numbers

Posted by  GeoffBrown —June 17, 2011
Filed in Being Present, Just observations

Have you ever noticed how many numbers there are in our world? Numbers appear to be as prolific in our streetscape as letters of the alphabet. This morning … I noticed numbers. I set off on a morning walk with our dog, my head swirling with thoughts,projections and assumptions. My mind was on auto pilot and it’s projections filled my whole being. Then I noticed this on a power pole … I noticed it’s color and the engineering-like design. It was a lonely object, on a pole, in a deserted street, on a cold winter’s morning. Anyway, my point is …

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There’s a little ‘Werewolf’ in all of us!!

Posted by  GeoffBrown —May 11, 2011
Filed in Facilitation, Just observations, Yes!And Improv

Monday night was dark, stormy and 20 people witnessed the demise of a 6th century village, gruesome attacks by 3 werewolves, public lynchings and arguments between friends. Everyone was looking out for themselves and trust had evaporated. At times it was tense … but mostly laughter pierced the cold night air. Werewolf is just a game, but it’s so much more than a game … it immerses players in a world of experience. Playing Werewolf takes some to the edge of their comfort zone. Others revel in the uncertainty of a world that, in many ways, mimics real life. Viv …

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A fantasy from the other side of the world

Posted by  GeoffBrown —May 6, 2011
Filed in Just observations, Leadership

Euan Semple shares a fantasy at his Obvious Blog … “A business where everyone blogs. Everyone thinks about what they are doing and writes about what they are doing. From the top to the bottom, the edges to the middle. Everyone awake and bouncing off each other intellectually as they get more and more effective at whatever they do.” Just imagine any organisation, field or community of practice. Now imagine everyone openly sharing their observations, thoughts and ideas. Where everyone’s input is valued in a culture of saying yes more than no. Source: Viv McWaters Neil Perkin published the ‘blog …

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