Archive for the ‘Sustainability’ Category

Do the Green Thing!

Posted by  admin —June 5, 2008
Filed in How Stuff Spreads & Changes, Sustainability

I have been subscribed to “Do the Green Thing” for 6 months now. Every so often they feature some home-grown videos about people doing the green thing. Every so often they focus on solutions (as opposed to the problems). Videos like these are an exceptional resource for sustainability educators at schools and in community projects. They also have a Blog here. I will post the better videos as they come through … stay tuned. Here are 2 of my favorites: Oliver Heath on the power of recycling Want to get Teenagers to take shorter showers?! Impossible you say! This short …

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Carbon Calculator meets Social Networking

Posted by  admin —June 4, 2008
Filed in How Stuff Spreads & Changes, Sustainability

Thanks to Matt Moore’s blog discovered a Web 2.0 Social Networking/Travel service called Dopplr. When you plug in your trips (car, air etc …) it has a cool Carbon Calculator that allows you to keep track of CO2 emissions. Given the social networking aspect of Dopplr, this could be a very useful tool to quickly calculate the CO2 emissions of many travellers. Many conferences now are trying to go Carbon Neutral. If all delegates did the Dopplr thing as a part of their registration process, the possibilities include: 1. A convenient way of linking up delegates who are travelling from …

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Offsetting Carbon Emissions

Posted by  admin —June 3, 2008
Filed in Sustainability

In a world where “Green Washing” is common place … here is a ‘legit’ website that takes the pain out of decision making. When you invest to offset carbon, at some stage you have to trust someone’s advice! Knowing some of the people behind the Carbon Offset Guide … I’m willing to base my decisions on their own research. This site provides solutions for businesses wanting to ‘do the right thing’ and offset their carbon emissions. The Carbon Offset Guide was “developed through a partnership between EPA Victoria and Global Sustainability at RMIT. The Carbon Offset Guide is intended to be a resource …

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Do we make a difference?

Posted by  admin —April 25, 2008
Filed in Facilitation, Sustainability

That is a big question for me! In my work as a facilitator and I rarely see concrete example of how my work changes people. Does what I do have an impact?  In March I spent 4 hours with a group of teachers who shared 1 thing in common … they were all “change agents” for sustainability in their school communities. Simon Groves from the Barwon Regional Waste Management Group (BRWMG) invited me to share some stuff to help these teachers engage with students and colleagues about sustainable practices.  I found them all to be passionate and fun to work …

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The Mug Project and Web 2.0 in Social Change

Posted by  admin —April 20, 2008
Filed in How Stuff Spreads & Changes, Sustainability

I’ve been waiting for something quite “different” before making my first “sustainability” post and thanks to Les Robinson I have a simple sustainability idea to share with you. “The Mug Project ® is a community of individuals and organizations that advocate the use of mugs to reduce waste caused by single serve beverage containers.” Pretty simple and I like their promo video! It’s simple, funny and transferable to other sustainability issues (eg. Les suggested a Re usable bag version). If our sustainability ‘change’ projects are going to engage the “online” world, we need more creative stuff like this. Let’s call this another little ‘random …

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