Posts Tagged ‘Sir Ken Robinson’

Being in your element

Posted by  admin —February 2, 2009
Filed in Creative Stuff, Humor & Fun

I have just started reading Sir Ken Robinson’s book The Element. From what I’ve read (front and back cover), the book is all about ‘being in your element’ and finding your creative potential in life. I think Laird Hamilton (Big Wave surfing King of the world) must be in his ‘element’ or his ‘zone’ everytime he rides a wave like these ones … hat-tip to Chris Corrigan for this link Cheers Geoff

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New Books have arrived!

Posted by  admin —February 1, 2009
Filed in Just observations, Yes!And Improv

On Friday a large box arrived with Amazon written on it! Nope, it wasn’t a shipment containing anything exotic from the South American jungle … it contained my next shipment of books. A present to myself. So, I have updated my Bookshelf widget (see toward the bottom of the right side bar) and added the books to my Amazon Wishlist – click here to get the direct links to the texts. So, here’s what I’m now reading … Improv Wisdom by Patricia Madson – recommended by the tribe at the Applied Improv Network The Element by Sir Ken Robinson – …

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Shift Happens!

A friend of mine just sent me this presentation … it is a great example of the ‘exponential change’ and the ‘revolution’ that is happening right now! Shift Happens View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: sociology future) Karl Fisch at the Fischbowl blog wrote this about this sliedshow and the remixed version that he created: “A while back Scott McLeod, Jeff Brenman (who did the Slideshare version) and I received an email from someone at Sony BMG Music Entertainment asking us if they could remix the various versions of Did You Know? for a meeting they had coming …

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