In compiling Yes!And Thinkers

Posted by  admin —April 7, 2008
Filed in Yes!And Improv

Something just struck me as I compiled a list of Yes!And Thinkers to my blog. Collectively these bloggers, from all parts of the globe, have shaped my current thinking and are the reason why my Amazon budget has tripled this year!

Dave Pollard’s post Dave Pursues His Passion helped me to find the purpose of this blog. “What’s Needed” in a complex world where change is random … where links between cause and effect are unpredictable? I think we need to pay more attention to stuff that works. Most of my clients are too busy to notice these things. The “random acts of traction” (ie. the things we do that actually work) don’t even get noticed. This online SPACE will shine a light into these dark corners.

Gift - Passion - Purpose


Here’s something about other Yes!And Thinkers …  

Viv McWaters taught me about “Yes!And” and Improv’s application to work and life in general … Garr Reynolds has renewed my faith in the slideshow and the importance in taking long walks on the beach (solitude) … Chris Corrigan’s Parking Lot was the first blog I really got into and love his application of Open Space principle to life at home … Johnnie Moore has shown me what can be done with podcasts … Dave Snowden’s Cynefin model resonates loudly in all of my consulting work … Lee Lefever’s Commoncraft shows have made me re-think how I communicate … I just love Hugh’s cartoons and a term he used recently (“Random Acts of Traction”) has stuck.

Hugh McLeod of Gaping Void

That’s enough writing … time to start using more visual tools in my posts!




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