A thriving network to which I belong
Filed in Community & Belonging, Facilitation, Living Systems & Complexity, Yes!And Improv
Last week, a small event was staged. About 60 or 70 folks from around the World gathered in Melbourne for the Thriving in Uncertainty Conference. This was a true collaboration between Melbourne Playback Theatre & Viv McWaters. I was a witness to the co-creation of this event and was largely on the sidelines … watching others do all the hard work … contributing where I could … taking it all in and learning. And here’s a photo of me watching Viv and Sherridan (Melb Playback) do the work at the HUB Melbourne …
This small event is part of a much larger, global network of people, groups and communities of practice. It’s closest relation is an international community known as AIN (Applied Improvisational Network) – and this was first regional conference to be staged in Australia. The Thrivability network had just staged a Camp in Montreal and my recent late night/early morning Skype calls with Michelle Holliday and Belina Raffy connected our events together. Belina is also a leader of AIN (another cross link) and Michelle is part of the Art of Hosting community which contains many folks exploring the links between complexity and Improv.
Viv’s co-conspirator and explorer at the Edges of Work, Johnnie Moore, came out to support Viv in ‘holding the space’ we called Thriving in Uncertainty. Johnnie also dabbled in an Art of Hosting event recently with Chris Corrigan – both are also active in AIN. Together, me, Viv, Johnnie, Chris and Anne Patillo call ourselves The Slips and have worked together on conferences in Australia, Canada and Asia.
I could go on and on and on … list the names of many more people and networks that connect together with weak or strong ties. When you are part of a network like this, doing stuff is like dancing in the corner of a vast spider’s web … the energy flows across the entire system. Unexpected and serendipidous occasions follow – like this gathering in Vancouver recently …
L2R at Wild Rice – Steven Wright (Seattle), Michelle Laurie , Dave Pollard, Me, Caitlin Frost, Chris Corrigan & Nancy White. All except me will be attending the AIN Conference in San Fran in September!
The pattern I am sensing in all of this are the connections between and across different communities of practice. Applied Improv is mixing with Art of Hosting and OpenSpace which is riffing with Thrivability and playing with the Gathering 11 & 12 movement here in Melbourne. Consultants are sharing work and wisdom with theatre directors, musicians, university professors, researchers, PhD students, business leaders and practitioners drawn from other sectors. When the work and worldviews of so many diverse players come together CHANGE starts to happen quickly. Innovation is everywhere and look out everybody … “This is gonna be a train wreck and I can’t wait!” (HT to Andrew McMasters for these words in his session at Thriving in Uncertainty last week!)