A Resource to Share

Posted by  GeoffBrown —July 19, 2012
Filed in Facilitation, Yes!And Improv

Last week I ran a session at the Thriving In Uncertainty conference titled, “Re-imagining Organisations as Living Systems”. Here is a previous post that sets the scene … An Invitation to Thrive.

I shared lots of stuff with the group … probably too much 🙂 … and promised them a summary of my favourite resources to kick start (or continue) their own inquiry into the links between Living Systems – Complexity – Applied Improv. Here’s the email I just sent out …

Hi Gang
I’ve added you to my contacts and have compiled a bunch of resources for y’all after our exploration of complexity, improv and living systems. A mix of reading and watching videos at this stage. Remembering that all of the models presented are just maps … they aren’t the truth and certainly don’t cover the whole territory.
By the way … 1 of my big lessons (re)learned from last week was the importance of Celebrating Failure.

On Cynefin and Complexity, here are a bunch of videos all in 1 place. Just remember that Dave Snowden is prone to using very long words! His children’s birthday party video is much lighter – http://www.tangentconsulting.com.au/?p=1235
On Living Systems I have 3 resource to start with …
1. The Power of Networks (RSAnimate video) and a very cool Pecha Kucha presentation on Applied Improv from Belina Raffy – http://www.tangentconsulting.com.au/?p=2756
2. Michelle Holliday’s Tedx talk – http://tedxtalks.ted.com/video/TEDxConcordia-Michelle-Holliday
2(b) – Michelle’s blog post on Using Improv to Save the World – http://solarium.cambiumconsulting.com/content/using-improv-save-world-real-time
3. Giddeon Rosenblatt’s look at the cell and biology – http://www.alchemyofchange.net/organizational_membranes/
That’ll keep you busy ’till Christmas 🙂

During the session we started by building a huge version of the Cynefin Framework on the floor. 1 card, 1 idea and 1 example at a time, we populated the different domains of the framework. We explored the links between the complex (unknowable) work that we all do and Living Systems principles. Improv principles became a foundation for the conversation as well … a great touchstone whenever we became to theoretical and needed to ground ourselves in examples.

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