Wave Riders
Harrison Owen‘s latest book (Wave Rider – Leadership for High Performance in a Self Organising World) has a great title and I, being a novice surfer, was drawn to the title. Here’s some quotes from Chapter 1 …
“Wave Riders are curious people possessed of an innate capacity to go with the flow, constantly seizing upon opportunity when others see no possibility, or even disaster. Their level of performance is consistently high, and projects are often completed in breathtakingly short periods of time, with a degree of excellence that may seem unbelievable.”
“The times have changed. The anomalous behavior of the Wave Rider holds a critical clue to new ways of surviving, and indeed thriving, in our chaotic world, enabling all of us to achieve levels of excellence and high performance previously unknown.”
“The second lesson (we learn from Wave Riders) relates to the subject of control. Stated bluntly, any surfer who ever thinks, even for an instant, that he or she is in charge of the wave, is in for a profound shock, delivered in most memorable way. Assuming, of course, that there is any memory left to capture the moment.”
This last quote is a nice lead into some magnificent footage of Wave Riders off the West Australian coast this year. I’ll let the video do the talking and encourage you to read more of Harrison Owen’s book Wave Rider – Chapter 1 can be read here
The Right – WA June 09 ‘For all – the RIGHT reasons’ from Tim Bonython Productions on Vimeo.
Here are some words from Tim Bonython who shot the film.
“For all the RIGHT reasons…By Tim Bonython.
“After get just getting back & recuperating from epic filming trip at Choppes in Tahiti, I glazed onto the LOLA swell map that shows a storm that has a spread as big as half the planet. Not so much a monster super storm but a storm that grew from below South Africa that continued to mutate across the Indian Ocean that went from Pakistan all the way to New Zealand. And right in the middle of its path was my new favorite new spot on the globe, the Right – right in the middle of its path!
So as per usual I was hot on the phone to all the usual suspects & all of them were all eying off the potential. Great minds think alike!”
ps. Hat Tip to Rob Graham for putting me onto this video