About trust, collaboration and a brave new world
Every now and then, someone posts something on Twitter that captures your attention and ends up being the highlight of your week.
Holger Nauheimer lives in Tehran (over at the Change Management Blog) and posted this Tweet …
“A must see video (60 min.) on world change effected by social media: http://watch.usnowfilm.com/ #usnow (via @acwagner)“
Well I’ve watched ‘watchUsNow‘ and it communicates the ideas that I’ve been trying to get out to the world over the past 2 years. As I was listening this sketch fell out in the first 15 minutes …
Here’s watchUsNow …
Us Now from Banyak Films on Vimeo.
Recently I spoke at a Conference in Melbourne where I blended together topics such as behaviour change, complexity and social media. One of my key messages is that the revolutionary change that we (the world) in undergoing is not because of the social media TOOLS … instead, it’s the new behaviours that the use of these tools (eg. Flickr, Twitter, Blogs) are driving.