What I’ve Noticed on other Blogs

Posted by  admin —April 6, 2009
Filed in Uncategorised

Here’s some stuff that caught me eye and kept me reading on other blogs …

we20 on the SurfCoast

Viv McWaters reports and reflects on a we20 gathering on Victoria’s surfcoast

“With the news of the G20 meeting in London ringing in our ears, 15 of us met on Friday 3 April to have our own we20 meeting. We firstly explored our challenges and decided upon utilising this crisis to stimulate change in the world for better – particularly in relation to consumerism and new models of economy as our focus.”

Heather Davis writes about the same we20 event here – with some commentary on ‘Smart Consumerism’ and ‘Worldly Leadership’

“The connections between we20 and Worldly Leadership are evident in that both attest to a way of seeing the world and living in the world and sharing responsibility for our part in it.”

Facilitation Related

Chris Corrigan updates his fantastic online Facilitation Resources here

“The first section provides links to participatory group process that are inclusive and self-organizing to varying degrees … The nest two sections cover more specific tools useful for particular purposes, and finally the fourth section contains links to sources of ongoing inspiration.”

Johnnie Moore denounces the workshop “Commitment Ceremony”

“The trouble is, in the real world, these action planning sessions (Commitment Ceremonies) often feel pretty deadly and inauthentic. They tend to assume the following:

– That action is what is needed now, as opposed to say further reflection
– That the people in the room are uniquely empowered to act, when frequently they aren’t
– That everyone’s nicely aligned and all are agreed on what should happen

… and Johnnie’s recommended option is …

“Here’s what I tend to find more satisfying in a lot of contexts. Instead of focusing on actions, I try to get groups to be clear what point they have reached, in a way that means everyone speaks and gets heard. So we might have a round where everyone gets a chance to check in, perhaps responding to a very open question that let’s them choose to report what they’ve learnt, what they’re concerned about, what they see happening next… without a sense that only “action” is to be the focus.”

Viv McWaters writes about ‘Open Space Technology as an Operating System for Complexity’

“On the surface, Open Space is a simple process: seat people in a circle, introduce the theme, open the space, allow self-organisation, write some reports, develop some actions, close the circle. Yet it sits on a foundation of deep awareness of how people relate to each other, their passions and their responsibilities. It approaches who is present, and why, when and where they work based on complexity and self-organising systems. It is, indeed, an ‘operating system’ for these tricky, sometimes chaotic, times.”

Other Stuff

Robert Poynton writes about Noticing More

Semi-retired mechanical engineer John Howe writes about saving the world in a ‘one page’ acronym

LEARN = Localise – Educate – Adapt – Ration – Negative (population growth)

Garr Reynolds unpacks Evan Willimas at TED on Twitter and the Unexpected

In this short presentation below, Twitter co-founder Evan Williams talks about a similar idea: growth coming from unexpected uses invented by users themselves. The presentation itself is simple and short (you can see some snaps I took below), but mainly I thought the topic itself was interesting and timely. I don’t know if there is really a “right way” to Twitter (see this David Pogue article), but it’s certainly a segment of social media that is misunderstood in spite of its simplicity. My favorite part of Twitter? Being limited to only 140 characters.”

Clay Shirky writes about the changing times for newspapers/print media and internet implications

“The problem newspapers face isn’t that they didn’t see the internet coming. They not only saw it miles off, they figured out early on that they needed a plan to deal with it,”

Mark Earls points to a great example of a ‘sustainability-pitch’ about “Using More” rather than “Using Less”

What have you noticed lately that’s worth sharing?



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