Changing the World … 1 picture at a time

Posted by  admin —December 28, 2008
Filed in Creative Stuff, Facilitation, Vizual Thinking

With Christmas over and New Year fast approaching, it’s time to take some time to go ‘off’-line for a while.

First, some reflections on 2008 and Blogging … When I scan through my posts, I am noticing 1 prevailing theme … Visual Thinking. Not just thinking on my part, but ‘creation’ of visual content on the web. Much of it relates to the the work I do as a facilitator and some of it to my hobbies. The lines between my ‘work’ and ‘hobbies’ are blurring as each year passes and that is a GREAT thing. I love what I do!

PICTURES DO SAY A 1000 WORDS – The world of Web 2.0 and blogging has taught me the importance of using ‘visuals’ to do any of the following:

Make a point

Make someone laugh

Support the reader’s learning

Create ‘Ah-ha’ moments

Go deeper

Tell a story

Neurocognitive research also shows that the visual pathway is key to switching ‘on’ the human emotional response.

No Emotion = No Learning

Some of my pictures (like the ones above), have been spotted by readers and used in their own publications, conference cover pages and blogs. You can view my other pictures over here at Flikr.

PICTURES & SLIDESHOWS – In 2008, Viv McWaters continues to be my closest collaborator, sounding board and coffee-buddy! We have taken Garr Reynolds’ Presentation Zen lessons and turned them into a 1 day training program called “Insanely Great Slideshow Presentations“. In 2009, we will spread the word about the use of visual images to as many people as we can. The big, hairy & audacious goal is to rid Victoria of lousy, boring and ineffective presentations!

To view all of my slideshows you can visit here. Here is the slideshow to promote our ‘Insanely Great’ training …

Insanely Great Slideshows

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: slideshow great)

PICTURES & VIDEO – Broadband and the plethora of new, web based video applications has made online video an incredibly effective medium to communicate. Lee and Sachi over at Commoncraft have taken the use of online video to a whole new level. I have learned so much from their videos and from Lee’s writing in his blog. I love his concept of being ‘lightweight and I finally understand how an American President is elected. Watch and enjoy …

My favourite slideshow/video of the year is Shift Happens over at Teacher Tube. I like this version best …

My favourite video of 2008 is one that I was part of producing with Tim Wood and Marty Maher. Just Beautiful …

Beautiful by Tim Wood from Geoff Brown on Vimeo.

A big thankyou to Nancy White for providing me with the ‘kick up the pants’ to explore graphic facilitation in my work.

This is my 99th post on Yes!AndSpace and my final post for 2008.

Have a peaceful New Year everyone! Looking forward to another year of blogging in 2009!



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