Green Cow Solutions
Filed in Creative Stuff, How Stuff Spreads & Changes, Sustainability
In the spirit of Improv and Complex change, I have started doing lots and lots of little things to help ‘enable change’ and ‘spark conversations’ about living sustainably at home. The first of these is Green Cow Solutions!
A good chunk of my work is in the design and facilitation of projects that bring together people to learn from each other about tackling climate change and living sustainably. These projects have become more about community strengthening and resilience than about the ‘sustainability’ outcomes that flow from action (eg. insulating ceiling space) … I am very comfortable with that too!
So … I have created a new Flickr Group called Green Cow Solutions. I am about to trial it with a group of residents in the City of Port Phillip in Melbourne and then I’ll make the space public for everyone to play in.
In time I will create Green Cow Groups on Slideshare, YouTube, Vimeo and a profile on Twitter.
Will all of this work? Will anyone contribute? Will Green Cow ‘take off’ or ‘go viral’ … probably not, but then who knows?
To get Green Cow Solutions kick started, I took some snaps and video of action at my place. Stay Tuned …
Having Fun when Draught Sealing a door!
Draught Sealing a leaky front door
Home Harvest with the kids
The old and new in lighting
Interview with my PV System installers