Blog Scan
Here’s a collection of stuff from other bloggers that I want to share:
1. Peter @ The Centre for Graphic Facilitation – A great review of The Adventures of Johnny Bunko. I have just finished Dan Pink’s other book ‘A Whole New Mind’ and highly recommend it (see the link on my bookshelf at the bottom of the right column).
2. TEDTalks is one of my favorite learning spaces and they have just passed “50 million” hits … to celebrate they have released a best of the best video featuring Al Gore, Sir Ken Robinson and others.
I have written about Orchestra Conductor Benjemin Zander before. In this TEDcast we actually get to see him strut his stuff … about possibility, leadership and right-brain thinking.
3. Lee and Sachi get “lightweight” at Commoncraft
Commoncraft is in the business of ‘explanation’. They find the ‘core’ of complex stuff and create videos that make the complex easy to understand. In this post they demonstrate how their business has been stripped back to the core … and made it compact in the process.
4. Euan at The Obvious makes a link between Open Space Principles and the ‘transition’ to doing business (in new ways) using Web/Enterprise 2.0. As a facilitator who uses Open Space, I hadn’t thought about this application before.
The Four “Open Space” Principles Of Social Computing In Business look like this:
Whoever comes are the right people – this is meant to alert the participants to the fact that whoever attends a session is “right” simply because they care to be there.
Whatever happens is the only thing that could have – this is meant to tell the attendees to pay attention to what is going on at the moment, instead of worrying about what could possibly be.
Whenever it starts is the right time – clarifies that there is no given schedule or structure and emphasises creativity and innovation.
When it’s over, it’s over – to tell the participants not to waste time, but move on to something else when the fruitful discussion is over.
5. I only use email when I have to. Others I work with/for, feel bogged down by email and often ask for advice on how unshackle themselves. It takes a new approach and the use of Web 2.0 tools like wikis and social networking. Dave Pollard in this post provides some great advice on how to Get Rid of Email.