Archive for the ‘Vizual Thinking’ Category
Notes for BRWMG Presentation
Filed in Creative Stuff, How Stuff Spreads & Changes, Leadership, Vizual Thinking
I was honored to present a whole bunch of stuff to a group of people in Anglesea the other day. I focused on Clay Shirky’s crowdsourcing, Ken Robinson’s creativity, Seth’s Tribes and a range of online tools. Here’s a direct link to the mindmap I used to plan the session. When you visit Mind42, you will be able to click on the links which take you to various videos, presentations and information. BRWMG Presentation by Geoff Brown – 2009 Mind42 is like a wiki, but in mindmap form. Cheers Geoff
Read MoreWordle Rocks!
No need to describe this online tool with words … pictures will do nicely. I’ll be using this tomorrow at a workshop I am facilitating. The question will be … words that describe what you love about the Natural Envronment. Thanks to the guys at Wordle! Check out my 1st go – Words of a parent with boys who will not sleep Cheers Geoff – hat tip to Viv McWaters
Read MoreMankind is no Island – 2008 NY Tropfest Winner
Here is a great video shot entirely on a cell phone in the streets of Sydney and New York. It’s simplicity makes me want to create something in the same vein. Another great example of of the power of words, music and visual images to stir emotions and provoke self reflection. Hat Tip to Viv McWaters for showing me this! Cheers Geoff
Read MoreTraining – Insanely Great Slidehshow Presentations
This one-day training will equip you to create Insanely Great Slideshow Presentations. As a facilitator of workshops, I see more presentations than most – and many can be easily improved. After all, it’s all about communicating your message to the audience. This training is hands-on and uses your own real-life example – a slideshow that you have prepared already or one you have to give soon. We will help you unearth your core messages and prepare slides that support those messages. Delivered by Viv McWaters and Geoff Brown, experienced facilitators and presenters, you will learn about the effect on the …
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