Posts Tagged ‘mindmap’
Notes for BRWMG Presentation
Filed in Creative Stuff, How Stuff Spreads & Changes, Leadership, Vizual Thinking
I was honored to present a whole bunch of stuff to a group of people in Anglesea the other day. I focused on Clay Shirky’s crowdsourcing, Ken Robinson’s creativity, Seth’s Tribes and a range of online tools. Here’s a direct link to the mindmap I used to plan the session. When you visit Mind42, you will be able to click on the links which take you to various videos, presentations and information. BRWMG Presentation by Geoff Brown – 2009 Mind42 is like a wiki, but in mindmap form. Cheers Geoff
Read MoreCollaborative Mindmapping
I have long been a fan of using mindmaps to think and capture ideas. As a facilitator I use mindmaps to create a visual map of decisions and ‘outputs’ from workshops. Now I can use mindmaps to ‘collaborate’ with others by using a Web 2.0 application called Mind42. All you need is a Mind42 account and you can view and edit maps that I publish … a visual wiki! Here is a real example that I used to communicate the outcomes of the Castlemaine 500 project earlier this year. Cheers Geoff
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