Posts Tagged ‘Presence’
The weekly reboot
In exactly 6 days we are taking a family holiday. 3 weeks in Fiji will be bliss and we also get to hang out with our neighbors – who are volunteering in Fiji for 5 months. In exactly 6 days, I will also be celebrating the 1 year anniversary of my right-knee surgery! After 12 months of rehab, exercise and many moments of grief … I’ve just had my first whole month without any episodes of pain or swelling! I have also taken my first, tentative steps back to the karate dojo. There are certain kicks and spins that I …
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I have read a lot of stuff on being present and noticing more this year, but this paragraph by says it like no one else … “What is the use of planning to be able to eat next week unless I can really enjoy the meals when they come ? If I am so busy planning how to eat next week that I cannot fully enjoy what I am eating now, I will be in the same predicament when next week’s meals become “now.” If my happiness at this moment consists largely in reviewing happy memories and expectations, I am …
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