Archive for the ‘Leadership’ Category
Stories that are ‘Built to Last’
Filed in Creative Stuff, How Stuff Spreads & Changes, Leadership, Vizual Thinking
Garr Reynold over at Presentation Zen spotted this video called ‘Built to Last‘. “This 3-minute video presentation called Built to Last won first prize in The Congress for the New Urbanism video contest a few weeks ago. The rules for the contest were simple: “Create a 3-minute maximum video that illustrates how the principles of New Urbanism – density, design and walkability – can effectively respond to current environmental challenges that we face.” Watch the video.” Garr Reynolds. Here is another great example of creative communication. Built to Last combines a great mix of music, large/bold text, images and story …
Read MoreNotes for BRWMG Presentation
Filed in Creative Stuff, How Stuff Spreads & Changes, Leadership, Vizual Thinking
I was honored to present a whole bunch of stuff to a group of people in Anglesea the other day. I focused on Clay Shirky’s crowdsourcing, Ken Robinson’s creativity, Seth’s Tribes and a range of online tools. Here’s a direct link to the mindmap I used to plan the session. When you visit Mind42, you will be able to click on the links which take you to various videos, presentations and information. BRWMG Presentation by Geoff Brown – 2009 Mind42 is like a wiki, but in mindmap form. Cheers Geoff
Read MoreIt takes a ‘field’ to hold a ‘field’ – Progress toward community sustainability
I rarely write long blog posts, but something has happened in my home Shire in 2008 that I must share with you! It relates to sustainability … community capacity … government and NGO partnerships … and a project team willing to allow direction and activities to emerge over time. It’s an exciting story with even greater possibilities for the future. This story also relates to the lessons our team learned in staging the Castlemaine 500 project. Last weekend I had the privilege of co-facilitating a sustainable transport workshop with participants in the Surf Coast Shire’s Casuarina project. In 2008, an …
Read MorePodcast – Harrison Owen on Open Space
Over at my podcast blog Winkipod, I have just posted an inspiring podcast. Viv just recorded Harrison Owen’s book launch speech at the 2008 OSOS Conference happening now in San Francisco, USA. The quality of the sound is poor, however, Harrison’s words are inspiring! Download Harrison Owen’s Book Launch Speech here Listening Tip – if you have control over the Equaliser Levels, reduce the BASS frequencies to a minimum. Cheers Geoff
Read MoreLeadership & Classical Music at the World Economic Forum
The Core of my blog is the Improv principle ‘Yes!And’ … this podcast featuring Ben Zander is a match made in heaven! Ben Zander is a conductor, teacher, speaker and co-author of The Art of Possibility. In this podcast he reveals his ‘road to Damascus’, a time when he discovered a new style of leadership. Ben’s message, humour and presence is quite remarkable. I am sure the World Economic Forum will never be the same again. For people in a hurry – listen to the first 6 minutes and you’ll get a taste. For people who want to inspired & nourished …
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