You are invited to talk, think, play and learn

Posted by  GeoffBrown —October 15, 2011
Filed in Facilitation, Sustainability

I’m excited! This year I have been privileged to co-design a Sustainability Congress which is happening in Sydney next month with the 3 Pillars Network. This Congress has emerged from a network of people with unanswered questions and great ideas. This extraordinary group of practitioners and researchers have been on a learning journey together in 2011 – The 3 Pillars Active Learning Program

EARLY BIRD rates end this week on Friday 21st October for the Behaviour Change for Sustainability National Congress.

The reason I am excited has been the collaborative approach to the shape, the content and the design of the process. The content and themes for the gathering has emerged from the network of people I mentioned above – Active Learning Program participants. From here, Anne Cameron from 3 Pillars has worked tirelessly to invite, track-down and inspire speakers to bring something different.

Anne and I have co-created the content and style of sessions with invited speakers. Our focus has been to design an event that flows, where presenters have a conversation with delegates … where the ideas and questions build from session to session.

When you look at the Program you’d be right to call it a fairly traditional conference format … keynote speakers and facilitated sessions. But, our speakers are bringing stories that fit the purpose of the event. They have been challenged to stay open to the conversations and questions that emerge. None are bringing ‘off-the-shelf’ presentations they have done before.

Behaviour Change in the context of environmental sustainability is not broad enough. This year, we are diving deep into the connections between fields – sustainability, human/population health, communications, evaluation, story-telling and complexity.

So, I invite you to Sydney in November to talk, think and play together. Let me leave you with some images and ideas that I can see emerging in this event …

When different fields collide … unexpected and edgy things are created


Sensing your own mental-models (about change) is like trying to see the color of your own eye … without looking into a mirror. So, be prepared to stir-it-all-up to see what lies beneath


And if you ever start to question why you do what you do, just remember …


Image sources – 1 & 23


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