Body Integration
Filed in Creative Stuff, Facilitation, Just observations, Yes!And Improv
I am a bit slow off the mark with this year’s Reverb – Reflect on this year and manifest what’s next! Reverb is a daily blog post based on an offer from the folks at Reverb. Here is today’s challenge …
‘December 12 – Body Integration This year, when did you feel the most integrated with your body? Did you have a moment where there wasn’t mind and body, but simply a cohesive YOU, alive and present? (Author: Patrick Reynolds)”
That moment came for me on Day 4 of a facilitation gig I did in Sydney with the folks from Circus & Physical Theatre across Australia (ACAPTA). The group decided to create a story (in video format) to harvest the essence of their 3 days of conversations. My role was to provide them with a structure, some tools and a couple of questions to discuss. From then on, my role was to step back and observe … listen and notice what was happening. From time to time, during that 3 hours of group creativity, my posture would change and I would ‘lean in’ to the group and offer something – sometimes my observations were enough and a couple of times it was advice.
This blog post summarises everything.
For a while I felt completely still, whilst everything else was moving quickly. There were moments where I felt like I was sensing ‘everything’ that was going on around me. I remember sitting and watching, breathing and smiling. Even though I wasn’t telling or instructing, my presence was to ‘hold the space‘ and support the group in their work.
The lesson from this, for life in general, ‘notice more’ and ‘do less’.