What’s so scary?
The most common conversation I hear my clients having is about ‘Social Media’ … facebook, twitter, wikis, blogs etc. This is in the context of Knowledge Management, project management, internal communications and stakeholder engagement. Often I hear the tension between controlling it and letting it go – do the latter as it’s not that scary!
Earlier this year, Euan Semple and I co-facilitated a day of social media conversations with a few of my clients. We had a ball and our parting words were … “let’s do that again sometime”. Well, that’s probably not going to happen in Melbourne for a while so I’ll resort to sharing this post with many other clients, as they struggle to come to grips with a liquid-networked-world!
So, like a breath of fresh air, arrives a wee video of Euan sharing his own social media stories with an audience at this year’s Do Lectures. By the way, if you haven’t discovered the Do Lectures yet … check out the website as it’s a treasure trove!