Creativity with my son and Sir Ken Robinson

Posted by  admin —April 28, 2008
Filed in Creative Stuff, Podcasts that Rock!

Here is my 3 year old son’s first ever painting. My wife noticed how focused he was and for 20 minutes he painted and painted until the page was full. Then he produced a second painting. Then I remembered Sir Ken Robinson’s words … we are born creative AND kids are not afraid of being wrong.

My 3 year old son\'s first painting

Sir Ken Robinson’s presentation at TED inspired me to be bolder and take more chances in life and in my work. For me, this blog is a space in which I can create and co-create new ideas and ways of working. Celebrating failure, making mistakes and letting go of ‘control of outcomes’. 

If you care about education, our kids and our future, grab a coffee and take 20 minutes to watch this. If nothing else Sir Ken will make you LOL!

Link to Ken @ TED.




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