Getting out the way

Posted by  admin —June 14, 2009
Filed in Being Present, Facilitation

I’ve been on the road lately … facilitating lots and lots of conversations with lots of lots of people. Big groups and small groups, mixed and unmixed groups.

The conversations have been about learning from our past and working out ways to ‘do it better’ in the future.

When you accept the offer to facilitate day after day, there is such a great opportunity to practice the art of being present … to enter a space with purpose yet being able to ‘let-go’ of how/what/when and respond to the group’s needs.

With each workshop I got better and better at getting out of the way of the group. By connecting people and ideas through conversations the group knew what mattered most, took responsibility and participated fully.

As for me … I simply opened up a space and then got out of the way of the group when I could. Occasionally leaning back in to offer something … and then stepping back (but not doing nothing – as Seth would say in Tribes).

My big Ah-ha learning was about rediscovering and seeing the power of conversations. Through conversation, the important stuff bubbles to the top and a shared understanding emerges. Relationships and networks between participants strengthens. As facilitators we need to remind ourselves that ‘it’s all about them’.


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