From the Feed

Posted by  GeoffBrown —February 3, 2010
Filed in Uncategorized

A snapshot from the feed …

*Firstly, Father Brian Bainbridge passed away in his sleep this week. Brian was one of the pioneers and fathers of Open Space Technology. His wisdom, humour and generosity will be missed by us all. 2 of his closests friends and colleagues have written beautiful words about him. Viv McWaters and Chris Corrigan

*Johnnie Moore writes here about a talk given by Euan Semple called ‘Changing Innovation’. In this talk Euan ‘argues that management doesn’t disappear when organisations use social network tools, but it changes.’

*And this piece from Euan called ‘I’ll show you my scars if you show me yours‘. He makes a suggestion at the end of this post that I really need to remember more …

“Understanding where people are rather than getting frustrated at them for not being where you think they should be is something I should remember to do more often.”

*Tenneson Woolf reminds us here about the importance of ‘Harvesting’ with design teams. My understanding about design of gatherings and workshops has recently been taken to a new level. A very relevant post for me at the moment.

and lastly …

*Robert Peterson writes about “The traditional organisation is a machine and we are human“, inspired by his own observations and relates to this picture (from …


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