Comics and visual communication

Posted by  admin —July 3, 2008
Filed in Creative Stuff, Humor & Fun, Vizual Thinking

One of the best books written on the subject of communication with comics is called Understanding Comics: The invisible Art by Scott McCloud. If your job involves presenting information to others then this book will not disappoint. By the way … this is a serious book and not just for comic lovers! (Hat Tip to Garr Reynolds for the recommendation)

Thanks to Viv, I stumbled across Plasq.

Plasq have software called Comic Life and allows a 30 day trial period. I am Day 1 of the trial and discovered that it links with my webcam. Here is a not so serious example of what can be done quickly and easily …

Some Serious ‘Comic-Life’ Applications for facilitators and sustainability change-agents …

  • create invitations to community workshops and conferences by government departments
  • turn images into comics and comic strip-stories for slideshows and presentations
  • allow workshop participants to design their own comic strip stories (about their organisation … their visions etc) and comic images to represent something about themselves and/or others
  • For project web pages and blogs/forums




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